April 30, 2024
what is mat education?

MAT, or Movement Arts Therapy, is a holistic approach to therapy that uses movement and dance to address physical, emotional, and psychological issues.

MAT is based on the idea that the body and mind are connected, and that movement can be used to access and heal both. MAT can be used to treat a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and chronic pain. It can also be used to improve self-esteem, body image, and creativity.

MAT is a safe and effective therapy that can be used by people of all ages and abilities. It is a non-verbal therapy, which means that it can be used by people who have difficulty communicating verbally. MAT can be used in individual or group settings, and it can be adapted to meet the needs of each client.

What is MAT Education?

Movement Arts Therapy (MAT) Education is an interdisciplinary field that combines the study of movement, dance, and the arts with education. MAT educators use movement and dance to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies.

  • Holistic: MAT education addresses the whole child, including their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • Engaging: Movement and dance are engaging activities that can help students learn and retain information more effectively.
  • Creative: MAT education encourages students to be creative and expressive.
  • Inclusive: MAT education is inclusive of all students, regardless of their ability or background.
  • Therapeutic: MAT education can be therapeutic for students with special needs or who have experienced trauma.
  • Interdisciplinary: MAT education can be used to teach a variety of subjects.
  • Research-based: MAT education is based on research that shows that movement and dance can improve learning.
  • Effective: MAT education has been shown to be effective in improving student outcomes.
  • Fun: MAT education is fun and enjoyable for students.

These key aspects of MAT education highlight the importance of using movement and dance to teach and engage students. MAT education is a holistic, engaging, creative, inclusive, therapeutic, interdisciplinary, research-based, effective, and fun approach to education that can benefit all students.


MAT education is holistic because it addresses the whole child, including their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. This is important because all aspects of a child’s development are interconnected. For example, a child’s physical health can affect their emotional health, and their emotional health can affect their cognitive development. By addressing all aspects of a child’s development, MAT education can help children to reach their full potential.

  • Physical: MAT education can help children to develop their gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and coordination. It can also help children to improve their balance, flexibility, and strength.
  • Emotional: MAT education can help children to develop their self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills. It can also help children to express their emotions in a healthy way.
  • Cognitive: MAT education can help children to develop their problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and creativity. It can also help children to improve their memory and attention span.

By addressing all aspects of a child’s development, MAT education can help children to reach their full potential and become healthy, happy, and successful adults.


Movement and dance are engaging activities that can help students learn and retain information more effectively. This is because movement and dance are multisensory experiences that involve the whole body and brain. When students are engaged in movement and dance, they are more likely to be motivated to learn and to remember what they have learned.

  • Kinesthetic learning: Kinesthetic learning is a learning style that involves using movement and physical activity to learn. Movement and dance are kinesthetic activities that can help students to learn and retain information more effectively.
  • Multisensory learning: Multisensory learning is a learning style that involves using multiple senses to learn. Movement and dance are multisensory activities that can help students to learn and retain information more effectively.
  • Emotional engagement: Movement and dance can be emotionally engaging activities that can help students to connect with the material they are learning. When students are emotionally engaged, they are more likely to learn and retain information.
  • Social interaction: Movement and dance can be social activities that can help students to interact with each other and to learn from each other. When students are engaged in social interaction, they are more likely to learn and retain information.

By using movement and dance to teach, MAT educators can create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.


Creativity is an essential part of MAT education. MAT educators encourage students to be creative and expressive in their movement and dance. This is because creativity is essential for problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication. When students are creative, they are able to come up with new ideas, solve problems, and express themselves in unique ways.

There are many ways that MAT educators can encourage creativity in their students. One way is to provide students with opportunities to explore and experiment with different movement and dance activities. Another way is to give students choices and allow them to make decisions about their own learning. MAT educators can also encourage creativity by providing students with positive feedback and by celebrating their successes.

Creativity is an important part of MAT education because it helps students to develop their imagination, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills. It also helps students to express themselves and to communicate their ideas. By encouraging creativity in their students, MAT educators can help them to reach their full potential and become successful learners.


MAT education is inclusive of all students, regardless of their ability or background. This means that MAT educators strive to create learning environments that are welcoming and supportive of all students. MAT educators use a variety of teaching methods and strategies to meet the needs of all learners, and they work to create a classroom culture that is respectful and inclusive.

  • All abilities: MAT education is inclusive of students with all abilities, including students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and emotional disabilities. MAT educators use a variety of teaching methods and strategies to meet the needs of all learners, and they work to create a classroom culture that is supportive and respectful of all students.
  • All backgrounds: MAT education is inclusive of students from all backgrounds, including students from different cultures, races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. MAT educators strive to create learning environments that are welcoming and supportive of all students, and they work to create a classroom culture that is respectful and inclusive.

By being inclusive, MAT education helps to create a more equitable and just world for all students. MAT educators believe that all students deserve to have access to a high-quality education, and they work to create learning environments that are welcoming and supportive of all learners.


MAT education can be therapeutic for students with special needs or who have experienced trauma because it provides a safe and supportive environment for students to express themselves and to learn how to cope with their challenges. Movement and dance can be used to help students to regulate their emotions, to develop their social skills, and to improve their self-esteem. MAT education can also help students to learn how to cope with stress and trauma, and to develop resilience.

There are many examples of how MAT education has been used to help students with special needs or who have experienced trauma. For example, MAT education has been used to help students with autism spectrum disorder to develop their social skills and to improve their communication skills. MAT education has also been used to help students who have experienced trauma to cope with their emotions and to develop resilience.

The therapeutic benefits of MAT education are well-documented. Research has shown that MAT education can help to reduce anxiety and depression, improve self-esteem, and increase resilience. MAT education can also help students to develop their social skills and to improve their communication skills.

Overall, MAT education is a valuable therapeutic tool that can be used to help students with special needs or who have experienced trauma. MAT education provides a safe and supportive environment for students to express themselves and to learn how to cope with their challenges.


MAT education is interdisciplinary because it can be used to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies. This is because movement and dance are integral to human development and can be used to explore a wide range of concepts and skills.

Here are a few examples of how MAT education can be used to teach different subjects:

  • Math: MAT educators can use movement and dance to teach math concepts such as counting, measurement, and geometry. For example, students can learn about counting by counting the number of steps they take or the number of times they jump up and down. Students can learn about measurement by measuring the distance they can jump or the height they can reach. Students can learn about geometry by exploring the shapes and patterns that they can make with their bodies.
  • Science: MAT educators can use movement and dance to teach science concepts such as the solar system, the life cycle of a plant, and the properties of matter. For example, students can learn about the solar system by creating a dance that represents the planets orbiting the sun. Students can learn about the life cycle of a plant by creating a dance that represents the different stages of growth. Students can learn about the properties of matter by creating a dance that represents the different states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas).
  • Language Arts: MAT educators can use movement and dance to teach language arts concepts such as storytelling, character development, and poetry. For example, students can learn about storytelling by creating a dance that tells a story. Students can learn about character development by creating a dance that represents a particular character. Students can learn about poetry by creating a dance that is inspired by a poem.
  • Social Studies: MAT educators can use movement and dance to teach social studies concepts such as history, geography, and culture. For example, students can learn about history by creating a dance that represents a particular historical event. Students can learn about geography by creating a dance that represents a particular region of the world. Students can learn about culture by creating a dance that represents a particular culture.

The interdisciplinary nature of MAT education makes it a valuable tool for teachers who want to engage their students in learning. By using movement and dance to teach a variety of subjects, MAT educators can help their students to develop their physical, cognitive, and emotional skills.


Research has shown that MAT education can improve learning in a variety of ways. For example, MAT education has been shown to improve:

  • Academic achievement: MAT education has been shown to improve academic achievement in math, science, language arts, and social studies.
  • Physical fitness: MAT education has been shown to improve physical fitness, including cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and flexibility.
  • Cognitive skills: MAT education has been shown to improve cognitive skills, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving.
  • Social skills: MAT education has been shown to improve social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and empathy.

The research on MAT education is growing, and the evidence is clear: MAT education is an effective way to improve learning for all students.


The effectiveness of MAT education is a key component of what it is. MAT education is designed to improve student outcomes, and research has shown that it is effective in doing so. This is important because it means that MAT education is a valuable tool that can be used to help students learn and grow.

There are many examples of how MAT education has been used to improve student outcomes. For example, MAT education has been shown to improve academic achievement in math, science, language arts, and social studies. It has also been shown to improve physical fitness, cognitive skills, and social skills.

The practical significance of this understanding is that MAT education can be used to help students succeed in school and in life. By providing students with opportunities to learn through movement and dance, MAT education can help them to develop the skills they need to be successful learners and well-rounded individuals.


The fun and enjoyable nature of MAT education is an integral aspect of what it is. MAT education is designed to be engaging and motivating for students, creating a positive and supportive learning environment. This is important because it helps to make learning more effective and meaningful.

  • Intrinsic Motivation: MAT education fosters intrinsic motivation by providing students with opportunities to learn through movement and dance, activities that are inherently enjoyable for many. This intrinsic motivation can lead to increased engagement, persistence, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Stress Reduction: MAT education can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels in students. Movement and dance have been shown to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Additionally, the social and creative aspects of MAT education can provide students with a sense of community and belonging, further reducing stress.
  • Improved Memory: Fun and enjoyable learning experiences are more likely to be remembered. When students are engaged and having fun, they are more likely to pay attention and retain information. MAT education takes advantage of this by incorporating movement and dance into lessons, making learning more memorable and enjoyable.
  • Increased Physical Activity: MAT education promotes physical activity, which is essential for overall health and well-being. By incorporating movement and dance into the curriculum, MAT education helps students to get the physical activity they need while also learning and having fun.

The fun and enjoyable nature of MAT education contributes to its effectiveness and makes it a valuable tool for educators. By creating a positive and supportive learning environment, MAT education helps students to learn more effectively and to develop a lifelong love of learning.

FAQs about MAT Education

MAT education, or Movement Arts Therapy education, is an interdisciplinary field that combines the study of movement, dance, and the arts with education. MAT educators use movement and dance to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies.

Here are some frequently asked questions about MAT education:

Question 1: What are the benefits of MAT education?

MAT education offers many benefits for students, including improved academic achievement, physical fitness, cognitive skills, and social skills.

Question 2: Is MAT education only for students with special needs?

No, MAT education is beneficial for all students, regardless of their ability or background. MAT educators use a variety of teaching methods and strategies to meet the needs of all learners.

Question 3: What subjects can be taught using MAT education?

MAT education can be used to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies. Movement and dance can be used to explore a wide range of concepts and skills.

Question 4: Is MAT education research-based?

Yes, MAT education is based on research that shows that movement and dance can improve learning. Studies have shown that MAT education can improve academic achievement, physical fitness, cognitive skills, and social skills.

Question 5: Is MAT education fun for students?

Yes, MAT education is fun and enjoyable for students. Movement and dance are inherently enjoyable activities for many people, and MAT educators use a variety of engaging and motivating teaching methods.

Question 6: How can I learn more about MAT education?

There are many resources available to learn more about MAT education. You can find books, articles, and websites on the topic. You can also attend workshops and conferences on MAT education.

MAT education is a valuable tool that can be used to improve learning for all students. By providing students with opportunities to learn through movement and dance, MAT education can help them to develop the skills they need to be successful learners and well-rounded individuals.

Transition to the next article section:

MAT education is a growing field, and there is a need for qualified MAT educators. If you are interested in a career in MAT education, there are many resources available to help you get started.

Tips for Implementing MAT Education

Movement Arts Therapy (MAT) education is an interdisciplinary field that combines the study of movement, dance, and the arts with education. MAT educators use movement and dance to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies.

Here are a few tips for implementing MAT education in your classroom:

Tip 1: Start small. Don’t try to implement MAT education in all of your lessons at once. Start by incorporating movement and dance into a few lessons each week.

Tip 2: Be creative. There are many ways to use movement and dance to teach. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your students.

Tip 3: Be patient. It takes time for students to get used to learning through movement and dance. Be patient and keep practicing.

Tip 4: Get training. There are many resources available to help you learn more about MAT education. You can find books, articles, and websites on the topic. You can also attend workshops and conferences on MAT education.

Tip 5: Collaborate with other teachers. MAT education is a team effort. Collaborate with other teachers to share ideas and resources.

Summary of key takeaways or benefits

  • MAT education can improve student learning in a variety of ways.
  • MAT education is fun and engaging for students.
  • MAT education is a valuable tool for teachers who want to reach all learners.

Transition to the article’s conclusion

MAT education is a growing field, and there is a need for qualified MAT educators. If you are interested in a career in MAT education, there are many resources available to help you get started.

What is MAT Education?

MAT education, or Movement Arts Therapy education, is an interdisciplinary field that combines the study of movement, dance, and the arts with education. MAT educators use movement and dance to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies. MAT education is a holistic, engaging, creative, inclusive, therapeutic, interdisciplinary, research-based, effective, and fun approach to education that can benefit all students.

MAT education is a growing field, and there is a need for qualified MAT educators. If you are interested in a career in MAT education, there are many resources available to help you get started.

Unveiling the Secrets of MAT Education: Discoveries and Insights